We will need to make a decision if we will be renewing our term here in 
El Salvador in the next few weeks. God is doing so much work in the hearts 
of the people of El Salvador. Please keep us in prayer as we speak to our 
leaders, family, and partners about this opportunity and also for the process 
of raising funds to be able to stay another year here in El Salvador. 

     There has been so many people blessed by the work received from the 
dental clinics, the children's nursery, and at the Bible school classes. We 
need to hear from God if He wants us to continue working here. Thank you 
so much for all your prayers! If you have a desire to support missions, and 
would like to become part of our team, please click on the link below, or 
message us directly on how we can help you get started. 

      Here is a link to the video that was made for the team from Marshfield, 
Wisconsin who came to El Salvador. Hope it encourages you as you see how
God is moving in the lives of the people here as missionaries come and do
the work of the Lord.

Blessings, Love, and Encouragement!

The Gendreaus 
Phil, Mia, Selah, and Shiloh